Weekly Newsletter – May 17th, 2024

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May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Latest Updates

Spring Program/Graduation

Our Graduation ceremony and Spring Concert will be held, May 21, 2024 at the CRC at 6 PM.   So, mark your calendars to join us to celebrate our 8th Grade and Preschool Graduates.  Our 8th Grade graduates are, Eva Romanowski and Danika Solomon.  Our Preschoolers are Piper Randall, Maybel Rudisel and Hunter Sanchez.  After our ceremony we will have refreshments downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.

Parents, would you please bring 2 dozen cookies to go along with our graduation cakes?

Barnes Park

We will be going to Barnes Park, Wednesday, May 22nd for the day.  We are looking forward to a day of fun!!!!!!!!!!!  Chaperones are welcomed!

Last Day of School

Thursday, May 23rd will be our last full day of school!!  We pray that you all will have a Blessed, safe and fun summer!  See you in September!!

Society/Board Meeting

The Society/Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the multi-purpose room.

Preschool News

We had such a fun last-week of school!  We especially enjoyed playing outside in the beautiful weather.  Our scientists and conservationists are excited to report that our caterpillars have emerged from their chrysalides!  We now have beautiful butterflies in our class, and we will release them in a few days.  We are cherishing every second together as this year comes to an end!

Upcoming Dates

May 21st

Spring Program/Graduation

May 22nd

Barnes Park

May 23rd

Last day of school

June 18th

Society/Board Meeting